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Monday, September 30, 2013

Is Christian Weight Loss Legitimate?

Faith based diets are spreading like wildfire. Why are they so popular? It's primarily because people are realizing that they promote a lifestyle change instead of only a "temporary diet." This leads to more permanent weight loss which tends to keep the weight off for good.

So how do they work? Also referred to as "Christian Weight Loss," the faith-based diet targets the motivation behind eating, as opposed to only trying to control what you eat - which is what traditional diets attempt to do. While it's true that many food cravings are physiological in nature, meaning that it is actually our body that craves the food, many food cravings and eating habits come from a more deeply rooted emotional type eating pattern.

These diets attack the source of the misplaced emotional type eating. Eating for comfort, for pleasure, or out of boredom is discouraged. The best part about these programs is that they don't just leave you there. They actually take you through the process of making an inner change.

Another important key that diets like this promote is learning to listen to what foods your body is actually craving. Healthy fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and plenty of healthy fats are all encouraged. Overeating is something your "body never wants". So the point is fine tuning your discernment to recognize the difference between a true craving from your body, or an emotional desire to eat.

Christian weight loss programs target things like:

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