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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Decreasing Appetite for Weight Loss Through Omega Fish Oil Pills

A study performed by the University College of Cork and another by the University of Navarra indicated that Omega 3 fish oil supplements can be extremely effective in aiding weight loss by lowering appetite. Since 3 Omega benefits are plentiful, this is just another positive effect.

Health Benefits of Omega Fish Oil Pills

Numerous studies have taken place that shows the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. For example, it has been proven that fish oil supplements can improve cognitive ability, cardiovascular health, chronic pain, and depression. Because the supplement can help with inflammation, then it can help with muscle related injuries as well.

Most people in the United States are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. Part of this is because the Western diet makes more use of Omega 6 fatty acids, which actually have negative effects. These Omega 6 acids can take the place of Omega rx acids in the brain, causing even further problems. Deficiencies in Omega 3 can lead to obesity and dementia as well as Alzheimer's disease.

Weight Loss through Omega EPA

200 participants were used in the Omega 3 weight loss study. These participants were classified as overweight or obese. Each participant had to adhere to a strict program of diet and exercise. Each patient was either given a low or a high dose of Omega 3. At the end of the study, it was shown that the patients who received the high dose of Omega 3 acids had a lowered appetite and did not feel as hungry between meals.

It is not yet understood just how Omega oil helps to suppress the appetite, but since the supplement has so many other health benefits, it is definitely a supplement to take daily.

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