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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Acai Berry Juice Diet and Cleanse - Weight Loss Myth Exposed

Have you heard about the Acai berry juice diet and cleanse, oh its only the biggest thing according to numerous online sources, so it must be for real! Well I'm going to set the story straight regarding this superfood, I'll explain where the truth lies and what you can really expect from acai berries. I'll tell you this right now though; weight loss isn't one of them.

Quick and Easy Explanation of Acai Berry Juice Benefits

Acai Berries are great superfoods, they're good for your skin and cells in general with very high amounts of both anti-oxidants and phytosterols which act as defenses against disease while boosting immune function. Acai berries also have relatively high levels of fiber and omega 3 and 6, however you're better off just drinking flax, hemp or fish oil and a fiber shake if that's what you're after.

Can the Acai Berry Diet and Cleanse make me lose weight?

The truth is acai berry on its own does not support enough reason to believe that it could cause any form of significant weight loss. It is absolutely healthy for you and for that sole reason is a great option. However for weight loss it was a bit of a myth that was started on the Oprah Winfrey show when she discussed its use for weight loss. Most of the weight loss though is a result of the fiber shake that is needed to be taken along side it. Fiber of course being able to balance out blood sugar and clear our waste from the bowels. It is an excellent option for weight loss and keeping in generally good health.

The Top Weight Loss Diet of 2008-2009

Are you aware that the calorie shifting diet was ranked the top diet for 2008? Its easily the best diet to come out in years, its entire focus is around the idea of being able to continue eating what you want. The trick is eating appropriate to the time of day. Certain foods can burn off much easier for example in the morning than at night, when you eat these same foods at night over the course of 2 weeks you can put on 5 pounds. Now eat those foods only for breakfast and you actually lose 5 pounds.

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